jrkorea's Diaryland Diary



Life is not like a box of chocolates. It's more like a KALBI meal. You get a little bit of everything, the good, the bad and the ugly. But the good, when it's good, is the best.

Erm, I just finished a round of medication and the beer is going to my head. I'm out tonight, it's my first weekend in Seoul. Update tomorrow.

8:38 p.m. - Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003


tutti frutti

And the war raged on today

Are tomatoes a fruit or a vegetable?

Firmly in the fruit camp was Ryan the Canadian representing the Western point of view. Of course it's a fruit, they have seeds, that makes them fruit by definition.

Holding the fort for the Korean vegetable side was Sam. In Korea fruits are defined by sugar content not seeds.

Both men were frantically printing out internet evidence to support their cases.

The students were in an uproar, the word spread and suddenly every different class wanted to know the truth.

Not a very interesting entry, i know, but i'm tired and ill (coughing up sushi at the moment, as Jon puts it).

5:05 p.m. - Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003


poker face

i thought i knew how to play poker until last night. NOW I know how to play poker.

i am the poker queen.

7 card stud, texas hold'em, the good the bad and the bitch, hangin' jesus, the nick, 2 draws of 2, 5 card stud 1 down 2 up 1 down.

haha, i don't even know what i'm talking about but who cares, i'm good. i won a whole bunch of 100 won coins (before i lost 'em all that is!)

if anyone wants a game let me know!

12:34 p.m. - Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003


creepy teeny stalker

so i'm walking home. this kid starts walking next to me. he is like 17 and half my height.

he starts jabbering away in korean. i say, hey i don't speak korean, buzz off. he points to a school and says, school. ok, so he knows some english.

the next thing he says is: sex baby you me sex baby. i say, i don't think so mate. he starts grabbing my ass and crotch area.

i grab his nose and pull his head down to the concrete. he starts screaming and runs away. i keep walking home, next thing he is following me again.

he says, sorry i so sorry. i say, go away creepy person. he says, i sorry, i sorry, i love you, i sorry, and grabs my arm with both hands. i'm dragging him along. he is screaming i sorry, i love you. i'm like go away, go away urgh let go, go away. i hit him with my other arm and he lets go. but he keeps following, i love you, i sorry.

he keeps following me home so i change directions, find a phone booth and call jon, he hangs around outside, disappears, comes back, i sorry, i love you, i say FUCK OFF, finally he leaves (i think!) and i wander off on the windiest way possible to the furthest pc bang from my house.

so annoying. haha little shit, just let him cross my path again! it's not his nose i'll go for next time.

6:15 p.m. - Tuesday, Aug. 05, 2003



august is the hottest month

it is hot hot hot.

welcome to the maxipad - with new dry-weave, it actually draws moisture away from you

you cannot walk anywhere without sweat all over your face, a case of excessive healthy glow

it's cloudy and rainy but still hot - or rather humid to extreme sauna levels

2 showers a day and never wear the same item of clothing twice

8:43 p.m. - Monday, Aug. 04, 2003


chanel lipgloss rocks

fairly low-key monday

i had to report one brat who wouldn't do a damn thing i ordered him to.

little shit, he is going down!

just kidding, he's a really cute kid but he was definitely testing me so i guess i have to nip that in the bud

i'm getting a cat, it is one year old, preloved and needs a home. in korea they HATE cats. i asked my little girls today if they like kittens and they nearly screamed. cats are evil apparantly.

i asked the guys at work if they think it's ok for me to let the cat out occasionally since i have a ground floor flat. i was worried kids might throw things at it but they suggested the kids would be more likely to throw the cat and i should never let it out.

hrm, me and a stinky litter tray in a tiny flat about half the size of your bedroom. let's see how long that lasts! i went shopping for cat stuff, it's nearly impossible to find, even in pet stores.

i tried on some hats and the sales girl laughed at me.

shopping here is hilarious, even the supermarket has about 20 attendents per 5 products, they just stare at you, desperate to help, you have to avoid eyecontact unless you want to be pounced on. i walked through the deli section at lotte department store and there where all these eyes glued at me. these poor people are so bored.

i use it to my advantage though... i go to clinique, chanel, lancombe etc and try on testers so it gives them something to do and now my face has a consistent million dollar glow, nice one... suckers!

saw tomb raider last nite. why did i do that, i hated the first one! still AJ is cool to watch. jon's only comment about the film: apparantly angelina jolie and i have exactly the same ears!

8:02 p.m. - Monday, Aug. 04, 2003


discovered soju

Saturday was a real blur. I woke up in my flat with no idea how I got there. Went drinking with the teachers Friday night at a local bar.

The beer was fine but the last thing I remember was switching to Soju which is the local rice based spirit.

Wow. I have no idea of the evening from that point on. I will never touch that stuff again. Who took me home since I didn't know how to get to my flat from there? Did I throw up all over them? What did I say or do? I must have been minging drunk. I know I've inevitably embarrassed myself and dread facing them at work tomorrow.

I also didn't make it to get my alien registration card. I felt so sick. My head, my body. I have come to one conclusion...

Soju is evil!

Finally dragged my butt out of bed and was late to my doctors appointment. It was for a problem of a female nature. Within five minutes of arriving I was naked from the waist down and strapped into a weird chair, legs pulled apart into stirrups with some doctor poking me with a weird instrument and another nurse looking on. Woe me, I hated it and still felt hungover to death. And I had my period, yuk.

The doctor spoke wierd English, he would use a lot of colloquialisms like "you betcha" and then he would use long medical terms I didn't understand so I left feeling really confused, smething needs to be eradicated via the something of somethingorother. I have to go back next week. Good thing is it was really cheap and a nice modern clean place.

Korea is funny about being proper about sex. When I entered the doctor's room, the first thing he asked me was did I come to Korea alone? I said I had a boyfriend here and he kept asking me weird questions like "I see he is a boy friend or is he more like a fiance even if he isn't a fiance?" I didn't get it at first and then *lightbulb*.

I got quite depressed after the doctors because I didn't understand anything what was going on so I called Jon and he came down to see me and was so completely sweet that I feel totally loved up again. I was so worried but he's made me feel I have nothing to worry about.

He is hanging out with me now in the pc bang. We had a great lunch that you cook yourself but the woman came and cooked it for us because we're dumb foreigners.

We're just taking it easy this afternoon, might go see a movie. I really regret that we live so far apart now but there's not much we can do at this stage. It just means we have to try and spend every spare second together and I know at some stage I'm going to start wanting time for myself too.

1:26 p.m. - Sunday, Aug. 03, 2003


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